
Tenira is a fairly closed crop with large strawberries. The plant itself is not too big. Tenira is a mid-season variety. The stamens are generally well-developed, although they are often moderate in the first flowers. Tenira is very productive.

Plant properties

Tenira is a mid-season variety. The fruits of the Tenira are large, regular conical, intense red with yellow seeds. The first fruits of the Tenira can sometimes be a bit misshapen. Tenira is not very fragile and is therefore a fairly strong strawberry that is red inside and also tastes and smells good. The shelf life of the fruits is good.

Disease resistance

Tenira is quite suceptible for Phytium ultimum; a little suceptible for Verticillium dahliae, Phytophthora cactorum and Botrytis cinerea); very suceptible for Alternaria.

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