
Gijnlim is an asparagus variety that is suitable for the cultivation of white and green asparagus. The plants are good for early cultivation and have a good production.


Gijnlim grows well on clay and sandy soils and retains a good stem thickness if the soil on which it is grown is vigorous. The best results are achieved with a planting density of 3 or 4 plants/m² and a planting depth of 15-20 cm. The plant density can be increased if the plants are harvested as green asparagus. Gijnlim is easy to harvest early by growing them in a tunnel, greenhouse or with black and white foil.

Plant properties

Gijnlim is a productive variety with a good stem quality. The head closure is good and the stems are nice and straight. If the stems are treated after harvesting, pink discoloration can be prevented.

Disease and pest resistance

Gijnlim is hardly sensitive to rust. If sufficient attention is paid to disease control, the plants will stay healthy.

Available as:

  • A 70+ grams (100/bag)
  • B 35-70 grams (200/bag)

Variety description NL DU FR